Amanda in front of CPS

The doctor says the bleeding is likely the placenta separating from the uterine wall, not life-threatening.

But she says they need to start monitoring the baby twice a week.

Amanda in front of CPS

Amanda is eight-and-a-half months pregnant.

She goes into labor.

Amanda in front of CPS

In the hospital, she admits to using drugs.

Her labor progresses as normal.

Duration :31

Maci is born healthy.

Duration :09

Amanda thinks she is not Twin's, but they won't know without a DNA test.

Amanda in front of CPS

Maci is three days old.

A social worker from CPS visits Amanda in the hospital.

The social worker says there has been a report of alleged neglect, related to Amanda's drug use.

The social worker schedules a meeting at the CPS office in a couple days.

Amanda, Twin, Amanda's mother, her sister, and I will be there.

Amanda in front of CPS

Maci is having symptoms of withdrawal—shaking and spitting up.

They give her methadone to wean her off heroin already in her system.

Maci stays in the hospital for a few days while Amanda goes back to the motel.

At the CPS meeting, the social workers have serious concerns about Amanda's drug use and her lack of stable housing.

They tell her she has to go to family court and the judge will decide what has to happen.

The judge orders Maci to be placed in foster care with Amanda's cousin.

Last year in Fresno, 93 infants were taken from their mothers due to drug use. That's six out of every 1,000 babies.

Amanda in front of CPS

Amanda will have supervised visits with Maci twice a week for one hour.

Twin volunteers to take a DNA test so he can have rights to the child.

Amanda in front of CPS

Maci is one week old.

Amanda loses her motel.

She and Twin sleep in the car for a week.

She's still bleeding from the birth and she tells me that her milk came in.

Duration :18

Amanda in front of CPS

Maci is two weeks old.

Once Amanda gets a motel room again, I visit her there.

Amanda shoots up in the bathroom.

She says she's hoping to get into rehab.

Amanda in front of CPS

Maci is two months old.

Amanda hasn't seen her baby since the hospital.

I go with Amanda to prepare for her first visit.

She hasn't had any heroin and feels sick.

“I definitely don’t want to go sick to see Maci cause it’s horrible. Like I won’t enjoy my visit with her, nothing... My bones and stuff hurt.”

We go to her heroin dealer and she shoots up in her motel room.

Amanda in front of CPS

Amanda has collected clothes for when Maci gets a bit older.

She and Twin visit Maci in a CPS office. They're still not sure if Twin is the father.

Amanda says Maci cried a lot because she wasn't used to them.

Duration :51

Amanda tells me she's waiting to go into rehab.

CPS has told her she has six more months to start becoming a stable parent or Maci can be adopted forever.